This is a short post that is sort of a break from the Vietnam posts and a chance for me to talk about some other things that I'm sure other people growing up in the nineties can recall as well.
Floppy Discs-When I was in elementary school, we were instructed to treat floppy discs with care because they were fragile, could store so much information, and we would need to know how to use them to guarantee ourselves a successful job. Except, floppy discs hated me and refused to save any of my information. Their only redeeming quality was that they came in nice colors.
Dial up-This was the bane of my existence. I remember having to deliberate about whether to click on a website or not because more often than not it would take my computer fifteen minutes to load a single page. If the page included pictures then it would be thirty minutes and if that page contained graphics then I would go watch a tv show and then come back to my computer.
Furbies-I got mine near the end of the craze so it only set me back $5. At first, I was so thrilled to be getting such a wonderful toy for so cheap but my enthusiasm for my furry new toy died pretty quickly. My Furby would not wake up during the day but seemed to enjoy squawking out meaningless gibberish at two in the morning. I screamed at it to please be quiet. It screamed back I love you. As you can probably guess, when the batteries on my Furby ran out I didn't feel a great need to replace them.
I leave you with a completely unrelated picture of my favorite Vietnamese drink/dessert. Isn't it lovely?
*Furbies and Floppy Discs image from Wikipedia